
Family Friends Fun 
Apr. 19 2016

Somewhere in Prescott trying on hats.

Can you feel these smiles??
Mother's day last year, I believe!

Soto, Peña and Berruecos! 
Apr. 12 2016
Found a marbled wall in Tucson, each marble has a name written on it.

Apr. 5 2016

Hiking Piestewa Peak, formerly known as Squawk Peak.  

Nothing better than sweating, breathing heavily, becoming fit and healthy :) 

Waving hello to the world!
Mom loves selfies........

Mar. 27 2016
A wonderful spring day, celebrating grandma's 80th birthday!
Here are some of my cousins and brother (first one to your left). May I add that my grandparents have a total of 20 grandchildren!!!!! Can you believe this??
It is impossible for someone to feel lonely, when they have all this love surrounding them, I'm blessed to have them in my life!
I wish them all successes in their endeavors!

Mar. 22 2016

Taco Tuesday
A long standing tradition in the U.S. to attract customers on $low weekdays.
What else can you ask for? Inexpensive tacos, overpriced alcoholic beverages and an unforgettable time with friends :)
I will present them to the world of sewing bloggers, from left to right: Natasha A.K.A. Malishka, Avery, Me, and a revolutionary armed Mexican man!!!

Feb. 28 2016 

Nephew Saul and I at the Arizona Science Center
We explored the POPnology exhibition..................
1942: Isaac Asimov, Three laws of Robotics
1.  A robot may not injure a human being through action, or allow a human being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection des not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

Asimov latter added the "Zeroth Law"
0. A robot may not injure humanity, or, through inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.
"People who say we will never develop computer intelligence merely prove that some biological systems don't have much intelligence.".    Arthur C. Clarke
Author of Space Odyssey
1920: The word "robot" was created from the Czech word "rabota" which means "forced labor."

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